Monday, August 29, 2011

American Yakuza directed by Frank Cappello

"Viggo Mortensen in a film called American Yakuza!?" I said, "Sign me up."  So I did sign up on Amazon Prime's new video service.  It was pretty creepy that I watched this film about a month ago, didn't finish it, loaded it up today and it started right where I closed the window.

Really creepy actually.

I'm actually still watching it as I write this.  My reaction to the most recent scene, "DUDE!  DUDE!  DUDE!"  So yes it is actually better than the title would imply.  It also features amazing camera angles and frequent improvisational piano (holy fuck I got improvisational right on the first try.)  I do mean amazing camera angles.  It also features much more symbolism than you would possibly expect in such a film. 

It even gets a little homoerotic.  And the black cop is dressed like eddy murphy for the final scene, stupendous.

That was a good time! 

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