Monday, August 15, 2011

Japanese Television June 2011

I haven't voluntarily watched TV in over a year.  I got a cable box which I needed to unhook at one point, and then never hooked it back up.  I'd watch what was on my Dad's TV which was usually pawn stars, pickers, or Anthony Bourdain.  Which are really, all told, fine shows.  Getting angry about those kind of shows makes me wonder how deep the black pit inside you is, and what actually hearing about something bad in the world does to you.

Still while I was in Japan, I happened to catch a human interest story.  A solid rock of a man with 5 kids and a wife and something resembling a house were lamenting money problems.  Two of the kids were in high school, one was just starting middle school and the other two were elementary.  That's a huge family for a Japanese household.  The father was trying to get more jobs at his only job at a crossdressing bar.

His only job was at a crossdressing bar.

Though he didn't like, his wife also worked part a bar.

Then they cut to footage of their middle daughter, who was overweight and because they didn't have the money was forced to wear her older sister's middle school uniform.  Which didn't fit even after mom altered it.  So it was safety pinned.

Then footage of cross-dressed daddy with a fur coat and looking fabulous drinking in the bar that sat no less than 3 people at maximum occupancy.

Thinking about this news story infuriates me to this day, over two months later.

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