Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Actraiser (SNES)

What a pleasant game Actraiser!  It's by Quintet which I've talked about before on this blog.  I am jumping all around on the release of their games.  All that's left for me to play is the supposedly mediocre PS1 game and Terranigma.  I'll get to that one soon.

Yes Actraiser is so pleasant.  You fight some things and then you play a mild sim and then you fight some things.  Just sit back and play it and relax and have just a jolly of a time.  The game requires that you play moderately well at the end Boss Rush but why shouldn't it?  Then you got Yuzo Koshiro impersonating John Williams for most of the soundtrack.

I would like to try the all action sequel that I hear is worse but my emulator wouldn't play it so I decided to spend my time elsewhere.

So you need something to do on a Saturday afternoon?  Play Actraiser.

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